Friday, October 23, 2015

Proverbs 26:28: Benghazi Lying

A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin. Proverbs 26:28

So now we know from Mrs. Clinton's own mouth to her daughter, Chelsea's ear, and to the ears of the Egyptian leadership, that: "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack--not a protest." Then later, "Based on the information we saw today we believe the group that claimed responsibility for this was affiliated with al Qaeda." Benghazi was a planned attack that killed her good friend Chris was that name again? She didn't remember his name and sent a memo calling him by the wrong name. We know for sure, while the fighting was still going on and later the next day, from her own emails, she knew. We now know for sure what many suspected, that when she and President Obama stood to greet the caskets holding four dead Americans, including the ambassador, they knew there was no video link to the murders of those dead heroes. They knew when Mrs. Clinton told the families as they sobbed over the flag-draped coffins of those they loved that there was no film to blame.

Mrs.Clinton knew when a California man was taken from his home in the middle of the night, arrested and incarcerated for the video's egregious part in the Benghazi tragedy that he wasn't responsible for the deaths of our American ambassador and those who died trying to save him. They knew, President Obama and Mrs. Clinton, when they made their own video that was shown throughout the Middle East blaming the uprising on a video that they were lying. When our President once again told the United Nations the attack was in response to outrage over a video, he knew as well as she that it wasn't the truth.

But that 's not the only thing we found out yesterday--those of us who watched the hearings. We also know from the former Secretary of State's mouth that Chris close, close friend, who didn't even have her email address or phone number, and whose 600 emails pleading for security in Benghazi went unanswered and apparently unread by Mrs. Clinton (because she didn't have a government server?), we know from her that...It was his own darn fault. "He knew he was wearing a short skirt," she said yesterday. Like a woman who is raped asks for it. Leaving himself open and vulnerable like that. Got what he asked for? 600 times he asked for help. How did he get what he asked for? So, really, when you look at it, he's responsible for the horrific things that happened to him. Have you seen the pictures from that night?

I live in California, so the papers I read fluffed over all of this. They lauded Mrs. Clinton for getting through that tough partisan grilling she got for no reason whatsoever. The lying...the blaming the ambassador for his own short-skirt-wearing death...meh. There are simply people who hate her. That's what this is all about.

If I were a personal friend of someone who treated me as she and Mr. Obama have treated us, I would never have anything to do with them again. Liars hate the ones to whom they lie. Assuming they are stupid, taking advantage of the vulnerability of friendship or trust. Make the one lied to believe in them and then their story when all along trust is being abused. If I were the mother of one of the men to whom she and the President lied as I wept over the casket, today I would be deeply angered and a bit ashamed that I believed anything she told me. I can't personally imagine electing to the highest position in our land a woman who can, with a straight face, not only lie to us, but go so far with it as to incarcerate a man she knows isn't guilty of the crime ascribed to him. To protect her own interests without care for others.Nor would I further trust the gut empathy of a woman, whose charge and creation the Libyan consulate was, when she has the gall to say Stevens died because he asked for it.

If we as a nation are okay with this, don't even bother to report the truth of it, don't see how egregious this cover up is--Meh...all politicians lie...Then God help us.