What if...God became a Man, born with the sheep in a barn, laid out on the straw under a star so bright astrologers followed it to find Him. Shepherds on a dark cold night saw a sight that frightened them nearly to death...the same shepherds who regularly cared for and bred sacrificial lambs for Jewish feasts. Called by angels to visit the Lamb of God newly born in a stable in Bethlehem. What if this Lamb was the lamb that ended all sacrifices?
What if...some of us have too small an idea of Who God is? We think the story of Christmas and the death and resurrection of Jesus is far-fetched and silly: God become man to therefore die as the ultimate redemption from our sin. What if our thinking is silly? We think we are so smart that God couldn't have a story that far surpasses our reach and grasp, yet is so simple even those with little reach or grasp can understand it. What if we have boxed God in to our own story so that He can't get out and be more vast than we can imagine? How pedestrian we must look to Him if His story is true and we discount it because it's crazy to think about.
What if...all the years of Jewish sacrifices pointed to this One offering? Year after year, Passover after Passover, the blood teaching that our wrongs must be righted, atoned for. Then this One Lamb...
What if...all our judgments of Christian churches and the imperfect preachers and congregations keep us from relationship with a God Who eschews the religious rites practiced on His behalf in deference to intimate one-on-one relationship with those Who choose to love Him? What if many...or most...religious types have missed out on the one thing most important to God: intimacy with His children. After all, the Lamb was to be called Emmanuel--God with us.
What if...you could live the life Jesus called you to live? "Life--and more abundantly (John 10)." What if knowing Him, Christ in us, causes judgment to fall away, love to burgeon in our hearts, wisdom to grow and power to overcome to be manifest? What if we didn't look at how others are living the Christian life to negate our need to follow, but, instead, walked it ourselves, knowing we live for Jesus...not ourselves, not for what others think. What if you could live the life you accuse others of falling short of? What if I could?
What if...the question isn't what we do with the Lamb of God, but what is He to do with us? If the hands that created the universe were pierced for us? What if the Word that spoke it all into being spoke "It is finished" on my behalf. If this story is true, God became flesh and lived among us (John 1), then the question of what we do with Him is embarrassingly juvenile. The fly on the back of an elephant asking what it does with the elephant (C. S. Lewis). God, by virtue of the fact that He is GOD, can tell whatever story He decides.
What if...people embraced the cradle in the barn and the cross on the hill as the culmination of God's redemptive plan? Not waving the hand in dismissal of such a noxious story. If it is, indeed, the story GOD is writing, wouldn't it be worth embracing? Because, if this is the greatest love story ever told, and we are invited into it, our hubris, judgment, theology or offenses could keep us from true intimacy with the God Who would call us "children."
What if...some of us have too small an idea of Who God is? We think the story of Christmas and the death and resurrection of Jesus is far-fetched and silly: God become man to therefore die as the ultimate redemption from our sin. What if our thinking is silly? We think we are so smart that God couldn't have a story that far surpasses our reach and grasp, yet is so simple even those with little reach or grasp can understand it. What if we have boxed God in to our own story so that He can't get out and be more vast than we can imagine? How pedestrian we must look to Him if His story is true and we discount it because it's crazy to think about.
What if...all the years of Jewish sacrifices pointed to this One offering? Year after year, Passover after Passover, the blood teaching that our wrongs must be righted, atoned for. Then this One Lamb...
What if...all our judgments of Christian churches and the imperfect preachers and congregations keep us from relationship with a God Who eschews the religious rites practiced on His behalf in deference to intimate one-on-one relationship with those Who choose to love Him? What if many...or most...religious types have missed out on the one thing most important to God: intimacy with His children. After all, the Lamb was to be called Emmanuel--God with us.
What if...you could live the life Jesus called you to live? "Life--and more abundantly (John 10)." What if knowing Him, Christ in us, causes judgment to fall away, love to burgeon in our hearts, wisdom to grow and power to overcome to be manifest? What if we didn't look at how others are living the Christian life to negate our need to follow, but, instead, walked it ourselves, knowing we live for Jesus...not ourselves, not for what others think. What if you could live the life you accuse others of falling short of? What if I could?
What if...the question isn't what we do with the Lamb of God, but what is He to do with us? If the hands that created the universe were pierced for us? What if the Word that spoke it all into being spoke "It is finished" on my behalf. If this story is true, God became flesh and lived among us (John 1), then the question of what we do with Him is embarrassingly juvenile. The fly on the back of an elephant asking what it does with the elephant (C. S. Lewis). God, by virtue of the fact that He is GOD, can tell whatever story He decides.
What if...people embraced the cradle in the barn and the cross on the hill as the culmination of God's redemptive plan? Not waving the hand in dismissal of such a noxious story. If it is, indeed, the story GOD is writing, wouldn't it be worth embracing? Because, if this is the greatest love story ever told, and we are invited into it, our hubris, judgment, theology or offenses could keep us from true intimacy with the God Who would call us "children."