Psalm 10: 7-11
The Prosecutor rises to address the jury. In a seat at the counsel table is a woman who looks just like everyone else. That is probably the most heinous of her many sins. You cannot tell by looking at her that she is treacherous beyond belief. The litany of her crimes? She is violent,even in her speech. Waiting in ambush, she kills the innocent in secret places where no one will see. Always she is looking for the helpless in her attempt to tear them to pieces. Like a lion in a thicket she lurks in order to attack by surprise the unwary walking past. She grabs the unsuspecting innocent and drags her prey away into the thicket. Helpless, her prey is lost, beaten down, defeated completely. On many different occasions the defendant has boasted that she will never be caught! She is too smart! Too good at her criminal behavior. Many have heard her screeching laughter as she ends their lives. There are graphic photographs of her terror. What do we do with her? We, the jury?
We cry out to the Judge! We say with David: Rise up, Lord God! Lift up Your hand! Do not forget the afflicted. Why has the wicked person despised God? He says to himself, " You will not demand an account." But You Yourself have seen trouble and grief, observing it in order to take the matter into Your own hands. The helpless entrust themselves to You. You are the Helper of the fatherless. Break the arm of the wicked and evil person. Call his wickedness into account until nothing remains of it!
Too harsh? Really? Then what of the innocent? Do their lives not count? Can evil reign because we are too afraid to ask for justice from God? He is not mocked. We will reap, if not now, then eventually, what we sow. The Judge is watching. Readying for trial. Do not think that evil will reign forever. What does the defendant deserve? Death.
Here is the miraculous thing, though. Hold on. Don't judge the Judge yet. What if this criminal changes her heart? Can she be forgiven? Can she be set free? That would be so unjust!!! Look at what she has done! Grace is hard to look at when it comes to sins we have already judged. But here is what Peter says of God in 2 Peter: God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but He wants everyone to change their hearts and lives....Remember that we are saved because God is patient.
Ouch! This horrid woman could be saved? What of what she has done to others? Does God not take that into account? Big topic for a little blog, huh? There are those who would accuse God that there is a hell for such criminals. Now we accuse Him that He is too soft with this grace stuff.
Let us remember that we are all saved by GRACE. None of us approaches God based on our great life of good deeds. Read this slowly: For by GRACE you have been saved and that grace did not come from you. God gave it to you so you could believe lest you boast in your own goodness. That GRACE is the free gift of God to anyone who believes. (Ephesians 2) This is the single most remarkable thing about the ransom of Christ. Salvation is not based either on our good works or our evil works but on God's grace toward us. If Jesus stood in my place when I was the defendant, unworthy of life now or eternally, then He stands in the place of ALL who will believe, repent and turn from their old lives. He is the One Who gives me the faith to understand and believe this.
I am she. The woman who deserves to die. I cannot plead my own innocence. He stands in the courtroom in my place, walks into the death chamber for me, and takes what I deserve so that I can go free. I am forever grateful that His grace can cover even me.
The Prosecutor rises to address the jury. In a seat at the counsel table is a woman who looks just like everyone else. That is probably the most heinous of her many sins. You cannot tell by looking at her that she is treacherous beyond belief. The litany of her crimes? She is violent,even in her speech. Waiting in ambush, she kills the innocent in secret places where no one will see. Always she is looking for the helpless in her attempt to tear them to pieces. Like a lion in a thicket she lurks in order to attack by surprise the unwary walking past. She grabs the unsuspecting innocent and drags her prey away into the thicket. Helpless, her prey is lost, beaten down, defeated completely. On many different occasions the defendant has boasted that she will never be caught! She is too smart! Too good at her criminal behavior. Many have heard her screeching laughter as she ends their lives. There are graphic photographs of her terror. What do we do with her? We, the jury?
We cry out to the Judge! We say with David: Rise up, Lord God! Lift up Your hand! Do not forget the afflicted. Why has the wicked person despised God? He says to himself, " You will not demand an account." But You Yourself have seen trouble and grief, observing it in order to take the matter into Your own hands. The helpless entrust themselves to You. You are the Helper of the fatherless. Break the arm of the wicked and evil person. Call his wickedness into account until nothing remains of it!
Too harsh? Really? Then what of the innocent? Do their lives not count? Can evil reign because we are too afraid to ask for justice from God? He is not mocked. We will reap, if not now, then eventually, what we sow. The Judge is watching. Readying for trial. Do not think that evil will reign forever. What does the defendant deserve? Death.
Here is the miraculous thing, though. Hold on. Don't judge the Judge yet. What if this criminal changes her heart? Can she be forgiven? Can she be set free? That would be so unjust!!! Look at what she has done! Grace is hard to look at when it comes to sins we have already judged. But here is what Peter says of God in 2 Peter: God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but He wants everyone to change their hearts and lives....Remember that we are saved because God is patient.
Ouch! This horrid woman could be saved? What of what she has done to others? Does God not take that into account? Big topic for a little blog, huh? There are those who would accuse God that there is a hell for such criminals. Now we accuse Him that He is too soft with this grace stuff.
Let us remember that we are all saved by GRACE. None of us approaches God based on our great life of good deeds. Read this slowly: For by GRACE you have been saved and that grace did not come from you. God gave it to you so you could believe lest you boast in your own goodness. That GRACE is the free gift of God to anyone who believes. (Ephesians 2) This is the single most remarkable thing about the ransom of Christ. Salvation is not based either on our good works or our evil works but on God's grace toward us. If Jesus stood in my place when I was the defendant, unworthy of life now or eternally, then He stands in the place of ALL who will believe, repent and turn from their old lives. He is the One Who gives me the faith to understand and believe this.
I am she. The woman who deserves to die. I cannot plead my own innocence. He stands in the courtroom in my place, walks into the death chamber for me, and takes what I deserve so that I can go free. I am forever grateful that His grace can cover even me.
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