Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Psalm 20 - Weak as a Worm

Some trust in chariots, others in horses. But we trust the Lord our God! (vs 7)

This is what the Lord God says:  "If you come back to Me and trust Me, you will be saved.  If you will be calm and trust Me, you will be strong.

But you don't want to do that! You say, "No, we need horses to run away on.". So you will run away on horses!  Isaiah 30

I am the Lord your God, Who holds your right hand. I tell you, "Don't be afraid. I will help you. Do not be afraid though you are weak as a worm.  I Myself will help you," says the Lord.
Isaiah 41

I have been in a place of panic several times in my life. Have you? I was given the perfect opportunity to be unafraid and hold on tightly to His strong right hand. Wishing I had always done that! Sometimes, though, I ran away on a fast horse and ended up nowhere. Didn't know where I was going....just needed to run away from the pain of my circumstances.

God knows that we get into terrifying situations for which we may not be emotionally or physically equipped. Surely that is why He addresses our panic in these verses. DO NOT BE AFRAID. Really? Circumstances are swirling about us, catching us up into the maelstrom, and we are supposed to remain calm? What does that look like?

"I, Myself, will help you."  Hmmmm...That is much more encouraging than getting on some stallion and riding out to meet an enemy too strong for me, for I am certain to be vanquished in that battle.  Better, too, than sleepless, gut-wrenching nights of worrying about all the ways my life could play out given my circumstances.  Infinitely more assuring than running away from what will certainly follow me, as I will take the issues with me in the saddlebags.

The problem? You could tell me without thinking. What if? As in,  "What if He does not come through? What then will I do?" And therein lies the problem.  I. You, weak as a worm, think you can match His plans for your redemption? What if you really believed He will never fail you or forsake you? No matter how complex your problem. No matter that you got yourself into the mess in the first place. What if you stood up right now in the face of whatever it is you are experiencing and declared: "I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding!"?  Would you feel stupid because there is just no way this is all going to work out? Would you be trusting while you come up with Plan B?  Do you have the courage to take a deep breath and wait?  Do you trust Him to do what He says?

Then don't be afraid. Don't run away. Calm down. The Lord your God will Himself help you though you are weak as a worm. You will not be squashed. You will be transformed and not just like the frog who was a prince. But the analogy works. Inside you, if you know Christ, is the King of Kings, dwelling in the same power that raised Christ from the dead! Rise up, my sister! Take heart, my brother! For that same Spirit Who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, giving you power for faith! Look up! The Father Himself loves you and is already working out your difficulty for your good and His glory! Rest in that and rejoice, for your redemption is near!

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