Thursday, February 9, 2012

Psalm 27 - The Blessing Count

Lord, hear me when I call.  Have mercy on me and answer me.  My heart said, "Go worship Him."  So I come to worship You, Lord.  Do not turn away from me.  Do not turn your servant away in anger.  You have helped me.  Do not push me away or leave me alone, God, my Savior.  If my father and mother leave me, the Lord will take me in.  (vs. 8-10)

Lost both parents yet?  My husband and I have.  And even though we are in our sixties now, we still feel a bit like orphans.  Funny.  It is simply the thought that you are now the parents people look to.  Many have experienced this at a much younger age than we have, but all to whom I have spoken have had the same reaction:  We are now orphaned.  Thank God He is our Father.  He took us in a long time ago, and we are secure in our adoption into His family.  He took us in.  We are His very own. 

I have to admit that I woke up a little lost this morning.  Just feeling like everything I am doing right now goes round in circles.  Wondering if the Lord is blessing it.  Or, more to the point, why it seems He is not.  Do I need to clean my spiritual house?  Are the things I am doing coming from my own self instead of having begun in Him?  Spinning wheels on the pavement.  I asked my Father to show me what He will bless so I can be about that.  Not a time-waster.  Never have been.  But that makes me a terrible waiter....patience not my strong suit. 

At Bible study this morning in the book of James, I read:  The one who peers into the perfect law of liberty and fixes her attention there, and does not become a forgetful listener but who lives it out - she will be blessed in whatever she doesThis verse cross-referenced this passage in Isaiah 66:  "These are the people I am pleased with:  those who are not proud or stubborn and those who revere My Word.

This afternoon I am rethinking my understanding of what a blessing is.  This morning I was simply looking at what I am gaining, particularly financially, from my endeavors.  Work stuff.  This afternoon  I am throwing that out of the window.  Basically because it doesn't seem to matter to God.  All He wants is for me to study the word and do it!  Blessings are His concern.  I am to do what is in front of me in terms of work for hire.  Again He calls out to my heart and mind to be His so that I do with my strength all He calls me to do.  Period.  I am not to weigh blessings on my scale.  He metes it out.  He measures it.  Not I.  His glory is delivered through His Word - the book and the Man.  The Logos of God. 

James reminded me today that it is Jesus Who owns me.  I can tell you with all my heart that it is that very fact that makes me crazy just thinking that I might be doing the wrong things with my time.  When I was young it was these things that I used to talk over with my mother.  She knew me so well.  She has been gone for a long time, but I still need that kind of guidance from a wiser person than I.  So my heart says:  "Go, worship Him!!"  My Father waits to hear my voice in praise for my adoption.  I yearn to let Him know how secure I feel in His love.  How thankful I am that He blesses this daughter of His in ways she could never have fathomed.  Oh, I love my Father Who will never leave me orphaned.

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