The heavens were made by the word of the Lord and all the stars by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap. He puts the depths into storehouses.
Let the whole earth tremble before the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it came into being. He commanded and it all came into existence. (vs 6-9)
Ever think about what the world stands up and claps for? Even shouts for? Football. Basketball. Soccer. Movies. Plays. Symphonies. Races. Celebrities. Dog shows. Award ceremonies. You get my drift. People kill each other over sports events gone wrong. They spend the night on the sidewalk in order to see their favorite star at the Academy Awards. I think it shows that our hearts are made for adoration. We seem to need the outpouring of our praise. The primal urge to cheer loudly for our side.
What ifGod Himself came to stand in the arena? The One Whose very words commanded creation to exist and breathed the stars out of His mouth like so many bubbles from a bubble soap wans. Whose arms are strong enough to gather up the world's water and put it into a storehouse for later use. The God Whose electric power thunders throughout heaven, generating lightning, emerald rainbows and eternal worship. He Who rules politics and decides eternal and earthly justice. What if the invisible God took a step down to us to show His might? What would we do?
Of course, He did. And we killed Him. He knew we would.
But that did not change Who He is. Clothed in love, its very definition, He died so we could live to praise Him yet. Once more His foot will step onto this earth and this time it will be a very different scenario.
Then I saw heaven opened and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and He judges and makes war in righteousness. His eyes were like a fiery flame, and many crowns were on His head. He had a name written that no one knows except Himself. He wore a robe stained with blood, and His name is The Word of God. The armies that were in heaven followed Him on white horses, wearing pure white linen. A sharp sword came from His mouth, so that He might strike the nations with it. ...and He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:
Would you camp out all night to see that? How terrifying to see the heavens open up today and God Himself charging out of heaven on a white horse with the armies of the Almighty streaming en masse behind Him ready for battle! No wondering then Who He is. Written on His thigh...and His robe...just in case you missed His Name. No Queen Elizabeth or George Clooney. Not a U.S. President or a foreign dignitary. Not either of the Manning brothers or Lady Gaga. But the invisible Creator become visible coming to us ready to judge what He has made. Might you tremble just a little? Could you even stand in awe? Thinking I might hit the dirt with the first angel's shout. When my God shows up in person.
Looking around this morning, there are so many marks of His previous footfall upon this earth. Design and order speak of His workmanship. This God whose love and kindness is unfailing. The absolute miracle of the Holy Spirit within me awes my heart into submission to His voice. This omnipotent Yahweh Who allows the earth to spin another day out of His pure desire to see it tremble at His voice and stand in awe of His creative genius, lets us try again today to honor His sovereignty. To bow our knees and confess His Lordship before He comes again to make that mandatory. To love Him because we know Him, not submit to Him because He will one day make all mankind subservient and judge their works based on their relationship to Him.
Rise to your feet in awe with me today of the God Who holds this tiny spinning sphere in His magnificent hands. Tremble at the great power He has to crush the tiny ball, disrupting our often petty lives with real concerns. Pray lest He tilt the earth just the tiniest bit and the mountains are covered with waters and the waters reveal their depths. Bow your knee to the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God and the Everlasting Father while you can do so with a willing heart, for He is awesome in power and never failing in love. And one day, all the inhabitants of the world will stand in awe of Him, acknowledging even from hell, that He is, indeed, God.
Let the whole earth tremble before the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it came into being. He commanded and it all came into existence. (vs 6-9)
Ever think about what the world stands up and claps for? Even shouts for? Football. Basketball. Soccer. Movies. Plays. Symphonies. Races. Celebrities. Dog shows. Award ceremonies. You get my drift. People kill each other over sports events gone wrong. They spend the night on the sidewalk in order to see their favorite star at the Academy Awards. I think it shows that our hearts are made for adoration. We seem to need the outpouring of our praise. The primal urge to cheer loudly for our side.
What ifGod Himself came to stand in the arena? The One Whose very words commanded creation to exist and breathed the stars out of His mouth like so many bubbles from a bubble soap wans. Whose arms are strong enough to gather up the world's water and put it into a storehouse for later use. The God Whose electric power thunders throughout heaven, generating lightning, emerald rainbows and eternal worship. He Who rules politics and decides eternal and earthly justice. What if the invisible God took a step down to us to show His might? What would we do?
Of course, He did. And we killed Him. He knew we would.
But that did not change Who He is. Clothed in love, its very definition, He died so we could live to praise Him yet. Once more His foot will step onto this earth and this time it will be a very different scenario.
Then I saw heaven opened and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and He judges and makes war in righteousness. His eyes were like a fiery flame, and many crowns were on His head. He had a name written that no one knows except Himself. He wore a robe stained with blood, and His name is The Word of God. The armies that were in heaven followed Him on white horses, wearing pure white linen. A sharp sword came from His mouth, so that He might strike the nations with it. ...and He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:
Would you camp out all night to see that? How terrifying to see the heavens open up today and God Himself charging out of heaven on a white horse with the armies of the Almighty streaming en masse behind Him ready for battle! No wondering then Who He is. Written on His thigh...and His robe...just in case you missed His Name. No Queen Elizabeth or George Clooney. Not a U.S. President or a foreign dignitary. Not either of the Manning brothers or Lady Gaga. But the invisible Creator become visible coming to us ready to judge what He has made. Might you tremble just a little? Could you even stand in awe? Thinking I might hit the dirt with the first angel's shout. When my God shows up in person.
Looking around this morning, there are so many marks of His previous footfall upon this earth. Design and order speak of His workmanship. This God whose love and kindness is unfailing. The absolute miracle of the Holy Spirit within me awes my heart into submission to His voice. This omnipotent Yahweh Who allows the earth to spin another day out of His pure desire to see it tremble at His voice and stand in awe of His creative genius, lets us try again today to honor His sovereignty. To bow our knees and confess His Lordship before He comes again to make that mandatory. To love Him because we know Him, not submit to Him because He will one day make all mankind subservient and judge their works based on their relationship to Him.
Rise to your feet in awe with me today of the God Who holds this tiny spinning sphere in His magnificent hands. Tremble at the great power He has to crush the tiny ball, disrupting our often petty lives with real concerns. Pray lest He tilt the earth just the tiniest bit and the mountains are covered with waters and the waters reveal their depths. Bow your knee to the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God and the Everlasting Father while you can do so with a willing heart, for He is awesome in power and never failing in love. And one day, all the inhabitants of the world will stand in awe of Him, acknowledging even from hell, that He is, indeed, God.
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