Friday, April 6, 2012

Psalm 35 - Shalom on Easter

Let those be ashamed and humiliated altogether who rejoice at my distress.  Let those be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves over me.

Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication (justice), and let them say continually, "The Lord be magnified Who delights in the prosperity(shalom) of His servant."

And my tongue shall declare Your righteousness and Your praise all day long!

Shalom.  Peace be with you.  It is a blessing.  I never noticed until this morning that Jesus said this to his disciples on His first meetings with them after He rose from the dead.

That first evening the disciples locked themselves into someone's house for fear the Jews would come after them next.  Confused about the events of the day - a risen Jesus and an empty tomb beside which sat glowing angels  - the men holed up and wondered.  Can you imagine what these fearful men were saying to each other as they huddled together in that house? 

"What are we going to do now?  They are all saying we stole the body!"

"Yeah.  They won't believe a word we say.  Maybe we should get out of town."

"We can't do that.  The minute we leave this place we will be spotted."

Peter says nothing....having learned his lesson earlier.

Scared talk.  Stomachs churning.  Their relatively peaceful lives disrupted by a bloody death, an earthquake, a hasty burial and, now, a body which has disappeared.  Politically volatile Jerusalem is looking for answers.  The Jews want this whole thing quieted down...forgotten...or explained away.  The aura in the lockdown is fraught with anxiety. 

What were they in the midst of saying when Jesus appeared in the room?  I ask because He says:  "Shalom."  Peace be with you.  First thing.  "Come on, you guys!  Be at peace!"  Almost simultaneously Jesus shows them His wounds.  Holds out His hands and parts His garment to show them His side scarred by the knife blade that slit Him open. 

"Peace,"  Jesus said again.  "As the Father sent me, I am now sending you."  Then He breathed on them.  "Receive the Holy Spirit."   Now it is Peace In You.

Thomas wasn't there.  Doesn't believe the others.  "Unless I see what you saw....touch His can forget my believing this stuff!"

Eight days later, Jesus, with no particular need of doors, stood in their midst again.  "Shalom."

Thomas is there this time.  Ooops!  Jesus looks at him first thing.  "Thomas.  Reach into this wound in my side.  Touch the scars on my hands!  Believe!"

Thomas on the floor, kneeling:  "My Lord and my God!"  Peace.  No more wrangling over the question of Who He is.

For all time we are now vindicated - justified.  Brought to peace, reconciled to our God by the work of Jesus on the cross.  Not warm and fuzzy peace.  Not "Peace out, man!"  Peace with God.  No longer separated from Him by our sin, we can live as those who have been brought to trial for our wrongs and set free by the Judge Who declares us to be vindicated.  Peacefully.  No more warring against Him.  No more condemnation.  No more worrying that we are loved.  No more bloody sacrifices - a daily pigeon or lamb to cover over our daily sins.  Peace.  Through the blood of a Lamb once for all - all people for all time.

That is what the angels meant when they declared from a starry night to the shepherds on the hillside:

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased."

The Great I AM came to dwell among men because He delights in peace with us.  Think about that.  The Lord of the universe wants to dwell with us in peace, and the only way He could actually accomplish that reconciliation was to pay for it Himself.  Once again it is the Holy God Who reached out first.  Pursued peace. 

Clothe yourself in the work of Easter.  Wear the garment of praise, turned from crimson to white by our Savior who says:  "Peace to you"  then shows you the scars on His body.

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