For He sees that even the wise die; the fool and the stupid alike must perish and leave their wealth to others. Their graves are their homes forever, their dwelling places to all generations, though they called their lands by their own names. Man in his pomp will not remain. He is like the beasts that perish. (vs. 10-12)
The second we appear into the world fresh from our mother's womb, we are assured of one thing. We will die. We will leave this world one day. Sooner or later. It is a constant that brings together rich and poor, smart and foolish, from every nation and every continent. Funny. We don't think about it that much. We live like we will be here forever. It was certainly not anywhere in my train of thought when I held my babies for the first time and wondered at their tiny fingers and toes.
The psalm seeks to solve a riddle. Why do faithful people have troubles and the rich get a free pass? Sound like Occupy Psalms? Think the answer is "spread the wealth around"? Shouldn't God be showing His partiality to the righteous by how He treats them? Those who turn their backs on Him because they have great wealth shouldn't have such ease in life. They don't even know God!
The answer. Death. It is the great leveler. Even if you have tall NYC buildings named after you, your eternal fate is the pit without Christ. Even if you think you know enough to know there is no God, there is, and you will be like the dogs that perish without hope. That is what you would claim, anyway. Dust to dust. Whatever one accumulates here and now will not go there when. Some kid who doesn't know the value of a dollar will spend all your wealth when you die. So, what is the point of trusting in your riches past your time on this earth. "Do not gather for yourselves riches on earth where they rot and turn to dust, but gain heavenly riches that are never corrupted." Jesus.
If the final weighing in on life is death, maybe we should be thinking a little bit more about it. Nothing wrong with riches. Lots wrong with loving them. Money doesn't last. Fame is fickle. Pomp is as fading as the evanescent things we become so proud about. Earth is a type and shadow of the reality, which is heaven. If you think about it that way, it is really stupid to spend so much of our lives investing in the shadow instead of preparing for the reality. Feeling envious of those whose money buys them a modicum of earthly comfort and happiness is missing the joy of understanding that because we have a Father Who lives to be in relationship with us, we have everything we need for life here and there! We may not be able to go to the cellar and run our hands through all the gold we have stashed in crates there or count the billions we have in Swiss bank accounts, but the reality is our Father owns it all. And He can take it or give it at will. To them or to us. The thing is, we know this fact. And it should change our perspective. If we have a need, we look to Him. It is not as concrete as going to the cellar or looking under the mattress, but it is just as sure.
When we get to heaven, Christ will not ask about our commercial real estate. Whether He has given us millions or not, we will be accountable to Him for our lives based upon our relationship to Him. That should be what is most valuable today and in death. That we belong to Him. That He bought and paid for our adoption into the family of God. God, the Father, takes care of His own. All the way through. From birth to death to life hereafter. All is left behind on earth for us to gain the pearl of great price.
The second we appear into the world fresh from our mother's womb, we are assured of one thing. We will die. We will leave this world one day. Sooner or later. It is a constant that brings together rich and poor, smart and foolish, from every nation and every continent. Funny. We don't think about it that much. We live like we will be here forever. It was certainly not anywhere in my train of thought when I held my babies for the first time and wondered at their tiny fingers and toes.
The psalm seeks to solve a riddle. Why do faithful people have troubles and the rich get a free pass? Sound like Occupy Psalms? Think the answer is "spread the wealth around"? Shouldn't God be showing His partiality to the righteous by how He treats them? Those who turn their backs on Him because they have great wealth shouldn't have such ease in life. They don't even know God!
The answer. Death. It is the great leveler. Even if you have tall NYC buildings named after you, your eternal fate is the pit without Christ. Even if you think you know enough to know there is no God, there is, and you will be like the dogs that perish without hope. That is what you would claim, anyway. Dust to dust. Whatever one accumulates here and now will not go there when. Some kid who doesn't know the value of a dollar will spend all your wealth when you die. So, what is the point of trusting in your riches past your time on this earth. "Do not gather for yourselves riches on earth where they rot and turn to dust, but gain heavenly riches that are never corrupted." Jesus.
If the final weighing in on life is death, maybe we should be thinking a little bit more about it. Nothing wrong with riches. Lots wrong with loving them. Money doesn't last. Fame is fickle. Pomp is as fading as the evanescent things we become so proud about. Earth is a type and shadow of the reality, which is heaven. If you think about it that way, it is really stupid to spend so much of our lives investing in the shadow instead of preparing for the reality. Feeling envious of those whose money buys them a modicum of earthly comfort and happiness is missing the joy of understanding that because we have a Father Who lives to be in relationship with us, we have everything we need for life here and there! We may not be able to go to the cellar and run our hands through all the gold we have stashed in crates there or count the billions we have in Swiss bank accounts, but the reality is our Father owns it all. And He can take it or give it at will. To them or to us. The thing is, we know this fact. And it should change our perspective. If we have a need, we look to Him. It is not as concrete as going to the cellar or looking under the mattress, but it is just as sure.
When we get to heaven, Christ will not ask about our commercial real estate. Whether He has given us millions or not, we will be accountable to Him for our lives based upon our relationship to Him. That should be what is most valuable today and in death. That we belong to Him. That He bought and paid for our adoption into the family of God. God, the Father, takes care of His own. All the way through. From birth to death to life hereafter. All is left behind on earth for us to gain the pearl of great price.
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