Come and see what God has done. He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man. He turned the sea into dry land. They passed through the river on foot. There did we rejoice in Him, Who rules by His might forever, Whose eyes keep watch on the nations --let not the rebellious exalt themselves. (Verses 5-7)
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up." Jahweh. Deuteronomy 6
Vanessa and I used to get up very early in the morning and run together before school. High school was a struggle for her, as it is for most kids. She is a thinker. Has to get things worked out in her mind in order for them to transfer effectively to her heart. Many questions about life and faith bothered Vanessa, and I often closed my closet door and prayed on my face for her heart and her understanding of God's love for her. Running together was the time we talked about all of this. Five-thirty in the morning was definitely a challenging time for me to come up with the answer to: "How can you have free will and still have God be sovereign over everything?" God chose the time when I "rise up" to be important to His beloved Vanessa. Our conversations through the sweat of the run were rich. Though I didn't have all the answers, still don't, she revealed her deep longing to know the truth.
One of the wonderful things about having physical and spiritual children is that they make us remember our God and His awesomeness! Recounting to our kids how God came through for us financially, spiritually and physically gives them a pattern for living their own lives. Even our struggles can be instructive to our children. If we are honest about them. Because we aren't perfect. Because we will fail God and them sometimes. Our amazing Father, however, never fails us and the generations of lives we touch need to know that.
I don't know what is in the political future for our progeny these days. At first glance, it could be devastatingly different from our past. But to teach them fear, to encourage them to feel defeated, is to fall prey to the enemy. It is our sovereign God Whose eyes keep watch on the nations. It is He Who will judge the rebellious, and He is never wrong. Egypt was a pretty politically toxic place for God's children when God had enough of their captivity and led them out. Miracle after miracle wore down the Pharoah until he ordered them to leave his country. Jahweh was not under the control of the government of man. He does what He wants. Period. And this mighty God is our Father, loving us and covering us in the midst of chaos. We must teach our children this. We must live this ourselves. Because we belong to a different kingdom with a different government. While we are here we render unto Caesar, but we rely on and trust in the King of Kings. What a relief for us and our kids to know that His love guides our lives and His words are on our hearts.
Just like my morning runs with Vanessa helped us focus on who God is and what He does, our daily conversations and thoughts should look to how mighty our Jahweh has already been toward us. He never changes. His love endures forever. May that be our message when we lie down, when we get up and when walk in the way of our daily lives. If we love our God with all our heart, mind and soul, how could His name and His awesome deeds toward us not be ever on our lips?
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up." Jahweh. Deuteronomy 6
Vanessa and I used to get up very early in the morning and run together before school. High school was a struggle for her, as it is for most kids. She is a thinker. Has to get things worked out in her mind in order for them to transfer effectively to her heart. Many questions about life and faith bothered Vanessa, and I often closed my closet door and prayed on my face for her heart and her understanding of God's love for her. Running together was the time we talked about all of this. Five-thirty in the morning was definitely a challenging time for me to come up with the answer to: "How can you have free will and still have God be sovereign over everything?" God chose the time when I "rise up" to be important to His beloved Vanessa. Our conversations through the sweat of the run were rich. Though I didn't have all the answers, still don't, she revealed her deep longing to know the truth.
One of the wonderful things about having physical and spiritual children is that they make us remember our God and His awesomeness! Recounting to our kids how God came through for us financially, spiritually and physically gives them a pattern for living their own lives. Even our struggles can be instructive to our children. If we are honest about them. Because we aren't perfect. Because we will fail God and them sometimes. Our amazing Father, however, never fails us and the generations of lives we touch need to know that.
I don't know what is in the political future for our progeny these days. At first glance, it could be devastatingly different from our past. But to teach them fear, to encourage them to feel defeated, is to fall prey to the enemy. It is our sovereign God Whose eyes keep watch on the nations. It is He Who will judge the rebellious, and He is never wrong. Egypt was a pretty politically toxic place for God's children when God had enough of their captivity and led them out. Miracle after miracle wore down the Pharoah until he ordered them to leave his country. Jahweh was not under the control of the government of man. He does what He wants. Period. And this mighty God is our Father, loving us and covering us in the midst of chaos. We must teach our children this. We must live this ourselves. Because we belong to a different kingdom with a different government. While we are here we render unto Caesar, but we rely on and trust in the King of Kings. What a relief for us and our kids to know that His love guides our lives and His words are on our hearts.
Just like my morning runs with Vanessa helped us focus on who God is and what He does, our daily conversations and thoughts should look to how mighty our Jahweh has already been toward us. He never changes. His love endures forever. May that be our message when we lie down, when we get up and when walk in the way of our daily lives. If we love our God with all our heart, mind and soul, how could His name and His awesome deeds toward us not be ever on our lips?
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