They did not destroy the peoples as the Lord commanded them, but they mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did. They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons. They poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they became unclean by their acts, and played the role of the whore in their deeds. Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against His people, and He abhorred His heritage. He gave them into the hands of the nations, so that those who hated them ruled over them. Their enemies oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their power. Many times He delivered them, but they were rebellious in their purposes and were brought low through their iniquity. Nevertheless, He looked upon their distress when He heard their cry. (Verses 34-44)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2
Anyone else find it hard to be in the world but not of it? Maybe one cloistered away from all the devastating confusion of this present life can be free of the in the world part. But those of us bombarded constantly with media messages and internet options, moral ambiguities and downright in-your-face opportunities to sin, are having to be cautious and intentional about our lives. Perhaps it sounds elitist to some, but God's desire isn't to make us a bunch of self-righteous ninnies who eschew a good time. But He does want us to be a good kind of different from the world. We are, in fact, part of a holy nation. Not represented in the United Nations, not governed by a human being. But called out to form a race of people who choose to follow Christ. Not because we think we're better. Quite the opposite. We understand the world. Know what it's like to pollute our minds and hearts to the extent we are capable of some pretty sick stuff. Many of us have sat in the darkness with aching hearts and screwed up minds and were so blinded by the light of Jesus it took our spiritual eyes and our disturbed hearts a while to adjust to the brightness. Nothing smug about a holy nation that used to be the scum of the earth. Only Jesus makes that possible. So why does anyone turn back?
I've heard over and over that if we just light one little candle, we can change the world. What God wants is lots of candles sticking together, lighting and relighting each other, so we are able to navigate the darkness--penetrate it. To illuminate our path and to show others the way. One little candle in a whole lotta darkness has less of a chance of staying lit. Do not let the world squeeze you into its mold, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12). It is becoming more and more difficult to hold to a moral, spiritual standard in our world today. Christians are accosted, sometimes violently, for Biblical standards of conduct that the seculars see as a bunch of arbitrary rules that we expect them to uphold. The lines of black and white have become, for many of us, gray. Even we are confused. But God isn't. His rules aren't for those who don't choose to obey. But they are for us. And for our good. A part of being a chosen race and a holy nation. Not so we can trot around in righteous robes and gloat over our own purity. No! So we can breathe on this quaking planet! So we can see our way clear all the way home! I don't care if the world thinks I'm right or wrong. I care what God thinks! I've already done the darkness. Why would I go back?
The "whoring" after idols was for God like the breaking of sacred wedding vows. God betrothed Israel to Himself. Loved her with His whole heart. Intentionally saved them over and over again...and still order to keep a covenant thousands of years old. He showed them how to live in peace and joy. Took them, almost literally by the hand, and led them into the Disneyland of living. Canaan. Where grapes were the size of a man's hand and where milk and honey flowed. God had great things in store for the people He called out. And their reaction when things were good. Whore around. Serve the gods of Canaan instead of purging their pagan worship from the land. They even wound up killing their kids. Offering them to gods that aren't gods in order to satisfy their own sinful pleasures. Perfect wasn't good enough. We need our actual hearts changed--then and now. I've always felt sorry for the Israelites. How can I judge them? They didn't have the indwelling Holy Spirit as I do now. The genius of God's mystery--Christ in us, the hope of glory. Without salvation through Christ, I'd probably be just as weak as they. I have been...with Him.
But don't miss the most amazing thing about this passage. Many times He delivered them...anyway. He heard their distress signals and His father's heart couldn't turn them down. He just loved them so much. Like any father, thought, "This time they really mean it." Pulled them out of their circumstances only to have their fox hole oaths ruined by their baser appetites. Their relationship with the Father wasn't founded upon their love for Him. Only on what He could give. Only on the knowledge that His steadfast love continues forever. That He won't stay angry forever. That God's promises are kept even when we are faithless, because our God can't lie. Their behavior was based solely upon their thin understanding that God loved them. And that wasn't enough. It was, and is now, those who love Him back who will have the motivation to leave off whoring after the world in order to enjoy relationship with God over anything else. It's not as lofty as it sounds when we know our God in Jesus Christ, His Son. It's merely giving up the darkness of the living dead to bask in the brilliance of the Light of the World.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2
Anyone else find it hard to be in the world but not of it? Maybe one cloistered away from all the devastating confusion of this present life can be free of the in the world part. But those of us bombarded constantly with media messages and internet options, moral ambiguities and downright in-your-face opportunities to sin, are having to be cautious and intentional about our lives. Perhaps it sounds elitist to some, but God's desire isn't to make us a bunch of self-righteous ninnies who eschew a good time. But He does want us to be a good kind of different from the world. We are, in fact, part of a holy nation. Not represented in the United Nations, not governed by a human being. But called out to form a race of people who choose to follow Christ. Not because we think we're better. Quite the opposite. We understand the world. Know what it's like to pollute our minds and hearts to the extent we are capable of some pretty sick stuff. Many of us have sat in the darkness with aching hearts and screwed up minds and were so blinded by the light of Jesus it took our spiritual eyes and our disturbed hearts a while to adjust to the brightness. Nothing smug about a holy nation that used to be the scum of the earth. Only Jesus makes that possible. So why does anyone turn back?
I've heard over and over that if we just light one little candle, we can change the world. What God wants is lots of candles sticking together, lighting and relighting each other, so we are able to navigate the darkness--penetrate it. To illuminate our path and to show others the way. One little candle in a whole lotta darkness has less of a chance of staying lit. Do not let the world squeeze you into its mold, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12). It is becoming more and more difficult to hold to a moral, spiritual standard in our world today. Christians are accosted, sometimes violently, for Biblical standards of conduct that the seculars see as a bunch of arbitrary rules that we expect them to uphold. The lines of black and white have become, for many of us, gray. Even we are confused. But God isn't. His rules aren't for those who don't choose to obey. But they are for us. And for our good. A part of being a chosen race and a holy nation. Not so we can trot around in righteous robes and gloat over our own purity. No! So we can breathe on this quaking planet! So we can see our way clear all the way home! I don't care if the world thinks I'm right or wrong. I care what God thinks! I've already done the darkness. Why would I go back?
The "whoring" after idols was for God like the breaking of sacred wedding vows. God betrothed Israel to Himself. Loved her with His whole heart. Intentionally saved them over and over again...and still order to keep a covenant thousands of years old. He showed them how to live in peace and joy. Took them, almost literally by the hand, and led them into the Disneyland of living. Canaan. Where grapes were the size of a man's hand and where milk and honey flowed. God had great things in store for the people He called out. And their reaction when things were good. Whore around. Serve the gods of Canaan instead of purging their pagan worship from the land. They even wound up killing their kids. Offering them to gods that aren't gods in order to satisfy their own sinful pleasures. Perfect wasn't good enough. We need our actual hearts changed--then and now. I've always felt sorry for the Israelites. How can I judge them? They didn't have the indwelling Holy Spirit as I do now. The genius of God's mystery--Christ in us, the hope of glory. Without salvation through Christ, I'd probably be just as weak as they. I have been...with Him.
But don't miss the most amazing thing about this passage. Many times He delivered them...anyway. He heard their distress signals and His father's heart couldn't turn them down. He just loved them so much. Like any father, thought, "This time they really mean it." Pulled them out of their circumstances only to have their fox hole oaths ruined by their baser appetites. Their relationship with the Father wasn't founded upon their love for Him. Only on what He could give. Only on the knowledge that His steadfast love continues forever. That He won't stay angry forever. That God's promises are kept even when we are faithless, because our God can't lie. Their behavior was based solely upon their thin understanding that God loved them. And that wasn't enough. It was, and is now, those who love Him back who will have the motivation to leave off whoring after the world in order to enjoy relationship with God over anything else. It's not as lofty as it sounds when we know our God in Jesus Christ, His Son. It's merely giving up the darkness of the living dead to bask in the brilliance of the Light of the World.
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