For the sake of Your servant, David, do not turn away the face of Your anointed one. The Lord swore to David a sure oath from which He will not turn back: "One of the sons of your body I will set on your throne. If your sons keep covenant and my testimonies that I shall teach them, their sons also forever shall sit on your throne." (Verses 10-12)
For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why through Him we utter our Amen to God for His glory. 2 Corinthians 1:20
Ever remind God of His promises? Especially when your hope seems shattered. Things aren't working out as you planned. Expectations blocked by circumstances beyond your control may just bury your longings in a shallow grave.
I had early morning thoughts yesterday about the cross of Christ. About failed expectations and devastated hearts. What would I have believed as I saw my Savior hanging shredded on the cross of His death? For centuries the Jews hoped in a Messiah. The ruler Who would take the throne of His ancestor, David, and rule benevolently over them forever. I would've watched Jesus heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, forgive the sinful and free the demonized. I'd know beyond the shadow of a doubt Jesus was the Promised One. Every time I looked into His face, I'd wonder at the timing of God. Finally! Our salvation has come! So what would I do with the bloody cross? Soldiers stabbed Jesus of Nazareth in the side. I'd have seen Jesus was really dead. How could this be?
I know me pretty well. I think I'd question God. Wonder if He was just toying with us by sending one who looked like Messiah, but wasn't. I'd want to know how God could let the world win that way. I would, like Adam and Eve, at least partially succumb to the notion that God isn't really good. I mean, if He is, how could someone like Jesus be dead along with all our hopes and dreams? For three days I would mourn, weep and wail, not just at the death of Jesus but at the death of hope. How in the world do I go forward now? After Jesus?
But heaven is always abuzz with destiny. Working round the clock for the fulfillment of God's dreams. He's not in a hurry. He knows everything. And though I know it grieves our God for Him to see us so miserable in our temporary confusion and heartache, it's never His intention to leave us there. God promised a Messiah to sit on David's throne forever, and He delivered. But it didn't look like we thought it would! It was gloriously better than we could imagine! A miracle of miracles. A resurrection that foretold and promised our own. No human could sit on the throne of David forever. But Jesus does. Risen by His very own Spirit to empower us toward our ultimate hope--heaven.
On a much more mundane level, it reminded me of when we told our kids we were going to go to Disneyland on Saturday. When they were really young, Saturday had no context for them. Disneyland did, though. So every day, all week, they would say, "Is it Saturday yet?" Heaven forbid something should come up that put that trip off. And it did on occasion. Tears. Crushed hopes. "We're never going to get to go to Disneyland!" "Of course, we are! Dad and I promised." And they waited impatiently for the promise to work out. It always did.
We can be assured that if our God promises us something in His Word, He will do it! It might look much different from the scenario we imagined or be forestalled by all the events that must take place in between the promise and it's arrival, but God is sure. Christ is the best example in all of history that our God will be faithful to what He said. Our Christ, Savior, Deliverer, Shepherd, King and Salvation reigns so that all the promises of God can be trusted. They are YES! to us. Wait on God in your in betweens. Enjoy the journey. The story ends very well!
For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why through Him we utter our Amen to God for His glory. 2 Corinthians 1:20
Ever remind God of His promises? Especially when your hope seems shattered. Things aren't working out as you planned. Expectations blocked by circumstances beyond your control may just bury your longings in a shallow grave.
I had early morning thoughts yesterday about the cross of Christ. About failed expectations and devastated hearts. What would I have believed as I saw my Savior hanging shredded on the cross of His death? For centuries the Jews hoped in a Messiah. The ruler Who would take the throne of His ancestor, David, and rule benevolently over them forever. I would've watched Jesus heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, forgive the sinful and free the demonized. I'd know beyond the shadow of a doubt Jesus was the Promised One. Every time I looked into His face, I'd wonder at the timing of God. Finally! Our salvation has come! So what would I do with the bloody cross? Soldiers stabbed Jesus of Nazareth in the side. I'd have seen Jesus was really dead. How could this be?
I know me pretty well. I think I'd question God. Wonder if He was just toying with us by sending one who looked like Messiah, but wasn't. I'd want to know how God could let the world win that way. I would, like Adam and Eve, at least partially succumb to the notion that God isn't really good. I mean, if He is, how could someone like Jesus be dead along with all our hopes and dreams? For three days I would mourn, weep and wail, not just at the death of Jesus but at the death of hope. How in the world do I go forward now? After Jesus?
But heaven is always abuzz with destiny. Working round the clock for the fulfillment of God's dreams. He's not in a hurry. He knows everything. And though I know it grieves our God for Him to see us so miserable in our temporary confusion and heartache, it's never His intention to leave us there. God promised a Messiah to sit on David's throne forever, and He delivered. But it didn't look like we thought it would! It was gloriously better than we could imagine! A miracle of miracles. A resurrection that foretold and promised our own. No human could sit on the throne of David forever. But Jesus does. Risen by His very own Spirit to empower us toward our ultimate hope--heaven.
On a much more mundane level, it reminded me of when we told our kids we were going to go to Disneyland on Saturday. When they were really young, Saturday had no context for them. Disneyland did, though. So every day, all week, they would say, "Is it Saturday yet?" Heaven forbid something should come up that put that trip off. And it did on occasion. Tears. Crushed hopes. "We're never going to get to go to Disneyland!" "Of course, we are! Dad and I promised." And they waited impatiently for the promise to work out. It always did.
We can be assured that if our God promises us something in His Word, He will do it! It might look much different from the scenario we imagined or be forestalled by all the events that must take place in between the promise and it's arrival, but God is sure. Christ is the best example in all of history that our God will be faithful to what He said. Our Christ, Savior, Deliverer, Shepherd, King and Salvation reigns so that all the promises of God can be trusted. They are YES! to us. Wait on God in your in betweens. Enjoy the journey. The story ends very well!
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