Monday, December 1, 2014

PSALM 145 - I Wish The Dog Could Talk!

All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Lord, and all Your saints shall bless You! They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom and tell of Your power, to make known to the children of man Your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.
(Verses 10-13)

My eight-year-old grandson, Alexander, wanted a puppy. Heather has been dog walking and marketing her homemade dog treats for about a year now, and Alexander has dog fever. I have to admit, Heather walks some pretty cute pets. One even has her own bedroom, complete with an adult-sized single bed and a television that plays all day long to keep the doggie happy. What Heather knows that her son didn't until last week is that dogs are a whole lotta trouble. Their family volunteered to take care of a three-month-old Yorkie mix puppy for several days. Though it slept in a crate in their basement, during the day the dog, which wasn't potty trained, roamed the house looking for a place to pee...or worse. Often it fell to Alexander to wipe up the mess. But more importantly, my grandson felt it was his responsibility to entertain the dog. Up early every morning of the puppy's stay, Alexander headed to the basement to set it free. Played with it before school. Exhausting himself in an effort to make the dog happy. Helping to feed it. Pushing it around all over the place in his toy truck. Wanting more than anything to make the darn dog happy.

By the end of the dog's stay with their family, Alexander was ready to send their visitor back home. "It's exhausting!" he declared. "And the worst part of it is, the dog can't talk!"

Heather was bemused. "What does that have to do with anything. Of course, dogs can't talk."

Alexander explained his frustration further. "I know they can't talk, but I wish they could! I didn't know if that puppy was enjoying anything I did for him. If he could talk, he would tell me whether he liked riding around in the truck or going outside. I don't know if I wasted my time or not."

I'm thinking we might make our God feel that way sometimes. We are supposed to be operating out of a thankful heart all the time. Our God is so involved with arranging our lives and positioning us for blessing, but I wonder how often we go about like a puppy who can't relate. Like we deserve to be pushed around the house in a toy truck! No thought to thank God for all He's doing not just to entertain us, but to bless and guide us! Alexander wanted kudos for his efforts. He wanted the puppy to say, "Great job, man! I loved that ride we took!" Without the positive feedback, Alexander was over it. It was simply work with no reward.

So I want to take a minute to properly thank God, Who stepped through time and space and entered the world He'd made in order to save me. More than a lotta work, it is the ultimate sacrifice. Miraculous and compassionate. Thank you, Jesus. See my face this morning, Abba, lifted up to You? I am in awe of Your power, Your generosity of heart, Your prescience and Your plans. I don't forget, though sometimes I seem to go merrily on my way without looking back...or up...when You've blessed me so. Thank you that fear and worry don't have to ever define me again. In the palm of Your hand is my safety and joy. You have made me Your child, not Your slave. Though I'd count it a privilege to be a slave in Your home just to be near to You. I thank You that, like Alexander and the puppy, sometimes You do things for me that are just for my pure happiness. No purpose other than to go on an outing with Your daughter. That You laugh with me when I laugh and cry with me in my distress. That as Zephaniah 3:17 says, you sing over me with joy. That as Psalm 131 so aptly describes, I can simply be with You as a weaned child with her mother, safe and confident because You are near. I thank You that the events of the world, though they trouble me, are in Your hands. You have a plan outlined in my Bible for the nations as well as for us, individually. God, You are so big. Spirit, Whose reach is vast, beyond all we know or could even conceive, You know about even the tiniest of Your creation. Your breath gives me life. Father, I don't want You to ever feel about me like Alexander feels about the puppy visitor. I don't want You to wonder if I appreciate Your efforts on my behalf. My heart is thankful beyond measure. May I never, ever ignore Your love and grace poured out without measure on this child of Yours.

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