But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For you bless the righteous, Oh, Lord; you cover them with favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5: 11-12)
See the warrior standing bravely in battle, sword drawn and shield up? See her winning? Crushing those who crash into her, jousting safely behind her shield? She is trusting in that shield to buffer the enemy. Watch this warrior because she will be the last woman standing. Why? There is a force field about her that cannot be penetrated, and it is favor. "This one you cannot touch," says the Lord, her shield. "This one loves Me - exults in Me. I cover her with protection." And the warrior? Sometimes she stands through the battle, weary and uncertain, and is amazed that her enemies are vanquished and she protected. "Praise my God!" she shouts. "He got me through!" And that is music to His ears.
Ever needed just to run to someone who could make it all go away? Ever needed arms around you and the comfort of the rhythym of a beating heart against your own? I have ached for that in a way that no human could really satisfy. Another person cannot "make it all better." Only God can. I need His arms when the battle is raging and the enemy in hot pursuit. Psalm 91 speaks again of refuge in God:
Those who go to the Most High God for safety will be protected by the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God, and I trust You." God will save you from hidden traps and from deadly diseases. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you can hide. His truth will be your shield and protection.
So, I will say to my God today: "You are the only One I need to protect me and make me wise enough to see the hidden traps in my path. I will run like a chick to its mother into the protection of Your open wings today, covered by Your feathers from deadly diseases and harmful choices. I want to know You in such a way that Your truth is in the marrow of my bones - that it is an inherent part of my defense every moment of every day. Though it makes no sense, given my fallen nature, I welcome the shield of your favor over me; in fact, I cannot live without your blessing spoken over my life. I rejoice in You, my sovereign, holy, loving Father, and with my life I will seek to exult you to the world."
Hi,Kay, I'm Face Book friends with Heather and she posted this blog. Love it! I'm also a woman warrior and this narrative speaks to the heaviness of the battle, as well as the power of the sword and shield. Blessings to you, Carrie