When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars that You have established, what are human beings that You are mindful of them, mortals that You care about them? (vs. 3-4)
Earth is a very small planet in an enormous solar system that moves at a speed of 134 miles per second through space. We are so small as to be all but lost in the Milky Way which is comprised of 200 billion stars and is just one of 125 billion galaxies that we can see. Six billion of the stars in the Milky Way have planetary systems like ours. Andromeda is the closest galaxy and is a million, milllion, million miles away. Traveling at the speed of light, it would take two million years to get there. We don't know what is beyond Andromeda. Our earth is spinning around its axis at 1040 miles per hour. Earth rotates around its sun at 670,000 miles per hour taking one year. The solar system of which our earth is a part revolves around the galaxy at 550,000 miles per hour. The four and a half billion year old solar system has made only eighteen revolutions around the galaxy since it was created.
There is so much to wonder about when you look up. Order never comes from chaos. It is the other way around. Order points to a mind. A plan. So the big bang, if there was one, had mighty fingers placing all the components of the universe in order, moving steadily around, in, and among each other in the same patterns for billions of years and in a vastness that we will probably never quite grasp as the universe ever expands. Can anyone say "Wow!" with me? We are spinning around right now at phenomenal speed, yet our feet stay on the ground, water stays in place instead of spilling out into space. I don't feel like I am traveling at a speed of 1000 miles per hour, do you?
Earth is smaller than a grain of sand in our own solar system. No one would even see us when looking at the Milky Way. Yet, He sees. If earth is smaller than a grain of sand, how big am I? What am I that He would consider me? It makes ridiculous the prancing and posturing of man in his claims that there is no god, no creator whose mind exceeds what man's mind can come up with as much as creation exceeds what we can fathom. It is the work of Christ, this universe. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for in Him all things in heaven and earth were created, things visible and invisible - all things have been created through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1: 15-16) They were His fingers placing the heavens in order.
And if that were not enough, scientists now know the Earth hums. Really. It makes music. Sings, so to speak, in constant, rhythmic melody. Want to make fun of Job now? God answers Job's pleas for a face to face talk by beginning with these words: Where were you when I laid the foundations for the Earth? Tell me if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements - surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy? (Job 38). The looping magnetic fields along our sun's outer regions, called the corona, carry magnetic sound waves in a similar manner to instruments such as a guitar or a pipe organ. Our ears cannot hear it, but new scientific instruments have picked up the actual melodic music of the planets.
So sing with me the praises of our God, Who, though we cannot see has left the work of His fingers for us to understand just a little of the greatness of His mind. Let us sing with our Earth the praises of our creator God Who created us, too, with purpose and design to live on this spinning planet in this rotating solar system in this vast universe of billions and billions of stars. Romans 1: For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world, His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made. So, they are without excuse....
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night. These lights will be used for signs, seasons, days and years. They will be in the sky to give light to the earth." And it happened. So God made the two large lights. He made the brighter light to rule the day and made the smaller light to rule the night. He also made the stars. God put all these in the sky to shine on the earth.....God saw all these things that they were good.
Earth is a very small planet in an enormous solar system that moves at a speed of 134 miles per second through space. We are so small as to be all but lost in the Milky Way which is comprised of 200 billion stars and is just one of 125 billion galaxies that we can see. Six billion of the stars in the Milky Way have planetary systems like ours. Andromeda is the closest galaxy and is a million, milllion, million miles away. Traveling at the speed of light, it would take two million years to get there. We don't know what is beyond Andromeda. Our earth is spinning around its axis at 1040 miles per hour. Earth rotates around its sun at 670,000 miles per hour taking one year. The solar system of which our earth is a part revolves around the galaxy at 550,000 miles per hour. The four and a half billion year old solar system has made only eighteen revolutions around the galaxy since it was created.
There is so much to wonder about when you look up. Order never comes from chaos. It is the other way around. Order points to a mind. A plan. So the big bang, if there was one, had mighty fingers placing all the components of the universe in order, moving steadily around, in, and among each other in the same patterns for billions of years and in a vastness that we will probably never quite grasp as the universe ever expands. Can anyone say "Wow!" with me? We are spinning around right now at phenomenal speed, yet our feet stay on the ground, water stays in place instead of spilling out into space. I don't feel like I am traveling at a speed of 1000 miles per hour, do you?
Earth is smaller than a grain of sand in our own solar system. No one would even see us when looking at the Milky Way. Yet, He sees. If earth is smaller than a grain of sand, how big am I? What am I that He would consider me? It makes ridiculous the prancing and posturing of man in his claims that there is no god, no creator whose mind exceeds what man's mind can come up with as much as creation exceeds what we can fathom. It is the work of Christ, this universe. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for in Him all things in heaven and earth were created, things visible and invisible - all things have been created through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1: 15-16) They were His fingers placing the heavens in order.
And if that were not enough, scientists now know the Earth hums. Really. It makes music. Sings, so to speak, in constant, rhythmic melody. Want to make fun of Job now? God answers Job's pleas for a face to face talk by beginning with these words: Where were you when I laid the foundations for the Earth? Tell me if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements - surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy? (Job 38). The looping magnetic fields along our sun's outer regions, called the corona, carry magnetic sound waves in a similar manner to instruments such as a guitar or a pipe organ. Our ears cannot hear it, but new scientific instruments have picked up the actual melodic music of the planets.
So sing with me the praises of our God, Who, though we cannot see has left the work of His fingers for us to understand just a little of the greatness of His mind. Let us sing with our Earth the praises of our creator God Who created us, too, with purpose and design to live on this spinning planet in this rotating solar system in this vast universe of billions and billions of stars. Romans 1: For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world, His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made. So, they are without excuse....
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night. These lights will be used for signs, seasons, days and years. They will be in the sky to give light to the earth." And it happened. So God made the two large lights. He made the brighter light to rule the day and made the smaller light to rule the night. He also made the stars. God put all these in the sky to shine on the earth.....God saw all these things that they were good.
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