Sunday, January 1, 2012

Psalm 22 - 2012

"My God, my God! Why have You forsaken me?" Psalm 22:1 and Matthew 27:46

Felt forsaken?   Ever felt like God actually rejected you?   Turned His back?

Honestly, I have never felt that.  I have turned my back and done my own thing before, but even in that I felt His presence.  How dark would it be if He really forsook me?   I cannot imagine being left in this world without Him.

Today I look into a new year - 2012.  What will it hold?  Next January first, what will I have experienced?  If what I believe is correct, my Father has already walked the path before me and laid out my way.  I am to find it, holding His hand in the day-to-day journey that is my life.  My Creator has promised that He will never leave me or forsake me.  When Joshua took over for Moses in the wilderness, Moses spoke to all the Israelites to prepare them for the new season without his guidance:

"Today I offer you life and success or death and destruction.  I command you today to love the Lord your God, to do what He wants you to do, and to keep His commands, His rules, His laws....Today I ask heaven and earth to be witnesses.  I am offering you life or death, blessings or cursings.  Now! Choose life!  To choose life is to love the Lord your God, obey Him and stay close to Him.  He is your life....Be strong and brave.  Don't be afraid because the Lord, your God, is with you.  He will not leave you or forget you.
(Deuteronomy 30-31)

In this new year, I want to choose life.  I want to love God with my whole being.  I have many scattered allegiances that are not necessarily bad, but they keep my heart divided to a certain degree.  They cut into my time with the God in Whose bosom I want to rest. I want to honor the Savior who actually experienced the rejection of God for my sake.  I will never know the darkness of a world without my God.  The blackness of a moment that sent the Creator into such heartbreak that He shook the earth and blinded the sun, plunging the sphere into ebony confusion.  For when the Son ordered life back into His body, blew the rock out of the entrance to His tomb and walked into a new season, He took me with Him. Bought my freedom.  Paid my price.  Secured my future.

So, today. I choose life.  Again.  Anew.  Teach me, Christ, how to love You with my whole being. That nothing else really matters but knowing You.  Help me clean out the trash from my heart to make room for You in a new dwelling place, sparkling clean and bright for You to rejoice in inhabiting.  Because You have chosen to never leave me....never fail me....I choose to open up myself to Your perfect will on this first day of a new year.  I was born to be your dwelling place.  Make Yourself comfortable in me.

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