Friday, January 27, 2012

Psalm 25 - Bull's Eye!!

From now on every road you travel will take you to God.  Follow the Covenant signs.  Read the charted directions.  ...My question:  What are God-worshipers like?  Your answer:  Arrows aimed at God's bull's-eye.  (vs. 10, 12 from The Message Bible)

All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.  Who is the man who fears the Lord?  He will instruct him in the way he should choose.  (vs. 10, 12 from Key Word Study Bible)

What does God's covenant mean?  The Hebrew word is briyth.  It denotes an agreement made by passing between pieces of flesh.  Looks like something had to die in order to bring this kind of covenant about.  In ancient times, in order to seal a promise, those making the covenant would kill an animal then cut it in half.  Then they would lay the pieces out and walk between them.  The promise then is:  "Do this to me if I do not keep this covenant with you." 

God made such a covenant with Abram when promising Abram that he would have a great nation and that all the nations of the world would be blessed by his descendants.  The covenant was costly.  God ordered Abram to bring a heifer, a goat, a ram, a turtledove and a pigeon.  Abram cut them in halves, except the birds, and laid each half opposite the other.  When the sun went down, Abram fell into a deep and terrifying sleep.  Then God spoke to Abram, committing Himself to keep the promises he made concerning Abram's descendants.  When the sun had fully set, God Himself walked between the pieces of animal flesh.  Abram did not walk between them.  The covenant was one God promised to keep.  God Himself walked through the bloody river made between the animals and cut covenant with Abram.  He did not demand the agreement be cut both ways.  That early covenant that produced the law was only changed when God made a New Covenant with us.

The New Covenant?  It was signed with the blood of Jesus.  God cut covenant with us by the death not of animals and birds, but of His dear Son.  How much more sincere can we expect God to be?  I can imagine the river of blood made by the goats and rams, the smell of it - its sticky residue on the feet and hands and even under the fingernails of the priests who sprinkled it for centuries on the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant.  Costly.  Sin so repugnant to God that He had to be reminded of His covenant day after day, year after year.  How much more the blood of the perfect Lamb sprinkled on our hearts.

Can you see why, then, David would say that all God's paths are lovingkindness and truth?  And how much more for we who know Him through the covenant death of Jesus?  How could His intentions toward us be anything but good when our eternal and earthly well-being has cost Him His blood?  All paths lead back to Him.  All paths began in Him.  We receive instructions for living.  We can be assured our journey is leading somewhere.  We have a choice, but I don't think the choice has to do with outcomes as much as it has to do with origins.  My choice is to let Him choose.  I already know where my choices lead me.  I have no prescience.  Can only see my own circumstances in light of my own circumstances.  Not so with my covenant-keeping God.  He died so He could hold my hand and guide my way.  He is the way.....through.

Here is something I found from the Hebrew that I just cannot get over.  You know the word instruct from verse 12 means to shoot like an arrow?  It is linked to archery.  Yarah.  Can you see God with His mighty bow and you the arrow?  He aims it here and there, one eyed closed the other peering intently at the bull's eye.  Then, He shoots!  You are hurled through time and space in just the right direction.  Then POW!  You land exactly where He wants you to be!  Bull's eye!!!  Right on the mark!  You cannot do that for yourself.  You are just an arrow.  So relax.

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