Friday, October 17, 2014

PSALM 141 - Feeling Squeezed?

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!  (Verses 3-4)

Don't let the world squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity.  Romans 12

Feeling squeezed today? A square peg trying to fit into a round hole? I think the question here is, "What are we willing to compromise to get what we want in this world?" It's more nefarious than it seems. This pressure to be successful, be loved, be beautiful, be powerful, be admired, be all the world claims makes us worthwhile. There is subtle and not-so-subtle pressure put on us from all sides. Magazines, billboards, movies, television and even social media define who we ought to be. Skinny, tall, smart, know the drill. Are you gluten-free? A gym rat? Politically correct? Are your jeans designer? Coffee snob? What's squeezing us today?

I just read the story of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy. Her crime? She dirtied the vessels of the berry pickers with whom she worked by using the same cup as they were drinking from. As a Christian, she is "unclean" and her lips defiled their water. The women began to argue over the situation then went back to work. Later the Muslim women told a local cleric about the altercation and soon an angry mob stormed Asia's home and savagely beat her and some of her family. She was then arrested and charged with blasphemy. Sentenced to die by hanging. Two prominent political figures who tried to help Ms. Bibi were assassinated. In her book, Blasphemy, Ms. Bibi wrote that she was tired of being a second class citizen because of her religion and was weary of always being told she must convert to Islam. She stood up for her faith. That is her crime.The local cleric to whom she was then dragged told her the only way out for her was to convert to Islam and obey Sharia law. She could not. The Lahore High Court of Appeals upheld her death sentence yesterday.

It would have been the easy route. Denying her faith in Christ. Asia has a husband and three children. Since 2009, she has been away from them. Because of her unrepentant love for Jesus. I doubt she's worried about whether her coffee is designer or whether she got to her workout at L.A. Fitness today. Her goal isn't to be the most beautiful thing to hit the prison in Pakistan nor is she fretting over whether or not the meal shoved under her door is free of MSG. Because she didn't take the easy way out, her way is very hard. And those uncompromising men who tried to help her are now murdered. It matters that she preferred her faith over the delicacies of those who would make her recant.

The things we do aren't evil in and of themselves, of course. I work out. I have designer jeans. But when they begin to define me, I've sunk from the higher things that matter to God. He's not so concerned that my triceps don't flap as He is that my heart doesn't falter. God doesn't go out of His way to make sure I get my grande latte from Starbuck's, but He is wanting me to gulp living water by the cupsful. We will be challenged for our faith even more than we are now. Houston mayor Annise Parker just made that clear. Preachers must show her their sermons if they mention gender differences. Don't be squeezed. Suffocated because you love Christ. Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4), let's grow up, mature into a body that is unwavering in our commitment to Him. Not nodding in agreement, joining in the conversations of the world, looking just like it, when we know we are only passing through.

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