Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, who do not take the path that sinners take, and who do not put themselves in the place of scoffers. Thinking about who I should surround myself with. Of course, I do not want to take myself out of this world where many are not Christians and do not agree with me. I don't want to separate myself from the world, but neither do I want to be like the world. I don't want to think and act like those who do not know my God. There are things I know to be true because of my faith in Christ. There are ways I know to behave because living in those actions will not only please God, but make my life make sense. I believe in the blood-purchase of my eternal life. I trust the Bible is true and have studied it for years. So what is there that I have in common with those who despise all I believe in? That God loves us all is clear, as is our choice to accept or reject that love.
It seems clear that if we spend all of our time with those who do not believe, we run the risk of thinking like they think, doing what they do, and having our faith swallowed up in disbelief. I NEED my Christian brothers and sisters to keep reminding me of the faithfulness of God in a really CRAZY world!! There is advice out there everywhere right now. LIFE FOR DUMMIES.....I could write it. But this psalm says that there is a way to live in wisdom and it is to delight in the Word of God. To listen to it. To live it. To KNOW it. That is our biggest hurdle, I think. Learning the wisdom of God from His written word. Taking real time to study it. Thus my endeavor here to chew on Psalms. I don't want to take the wrong advice, but how will I know whether it is wrong or right? I don't want to go down the wrong path, but how do I decide when there is a fork in the road? And I don't want to laugh with those who laugh at my perceived ignorance for trusting in the unseen God of my faith. How do I avoid all these pitfalls? I delight in the law of the Lord and chew on it day and night, surrounding myself with those who love Him, too. I cannot forget those who don't know Him, but I must guard my own heart because from it flow the streams of life.
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