Monday, August 8, 2011

The Nations in an Uproar

Psalm 2 this week. How relevant!  Verse one:  "Why are the nations in an uproar and the people devising vain things?"   Good question.  I just finished reading the morning paper.  I just looked at the photos of a few of the brave young men shot down over Afghanistan.  Libya, Egypt, Somalia...on and on.  "The kings of the earth take their stand and take counsel against God..." 

My God is laughing, but not derisively, it seems.  Laughing at the futility of thinking that we humans can actually plan against HIS great will.  This psalm is Messianic, meaning it talks about not only King David but also looks forward to the Messiah, Christ.  In the ancient Near East, the relationship between a great king and his subject kings, who ruled by his authority and owed him allegiance, was expressed by the words lord and servant or father and son.  So, David would be called God's servant and His son. The Greek word for annointed one is Christ. Psalm 2 is quoted in Act 13:33 as a reference to Christ Himself.  So, it makes sense that God, the Father, would be incensed by those who think themselves powerful though they do not acknowledge the "real" King. 

Our Messiah is not an earthly king.  That is why He was derided and finally killed by the religious leaders who thought He was going to come save them "politically."  They read the Bible and thought it said He was going to establish an earthly kingdom. When He did not fit into their paradigm, they killed Him as a blasphemer and a hypocrite.  Never mind He healed the sick, fed multitudes, and stood between the sinner and her accusers.  He did not fit the mold.  He was too radical. 

I know we are all looking for an earthly ruler who will change everything for us now.  It seems like the earth is doing some shaking.  Rulers are toppling, economies are faltering, people are angry and scared.  What will happen to us?  God has established a rule far above this chaos.  He is in control there and here and we are silly to think that we can march to our own drum without a care for what He has planned.  If He is David's Lord and Father, then He is mine, too.  I am under His government and submitted to Him as His cherished daughter.  He is my King.  He is the King of the world whether they like it or not.  I would not like to find myself in direct opposition to His ultimate plans.  I would rather be a part of them.

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