Saturday, August 20, 2011

Psalm 3 - Glory, Glory

Kabod (kaw bode, Heb).  Glory.  Weightiness.  Eminence.

 Psalm 3: "But Thou, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory..."  This might sound strange to you, but I have been thinking about this word for days.  What does it mean that He is my glory.  I didn't really know I had any glory, to be honest.  Not naturally.  Not that I can see.  I think I always thought of glory as something that sparkles and shines.  A glorious sunset.  That aria was "glorious"!  But the Hebrew word for glory used here means weightiness.  God is my weightiness.  He is the reason my life carries weight.  I am His, so I have His name.  I am a co-heir with Christ - all that is His is mine.  I am a warrior princess, a beloved child of the Most High God. He has written my name in His Book and counted the hairs on my head.  He has set His angels to be in charge of me as He peers into my life, covering me with protection and powering me with purpose.  I have authority over the enemy of my soul because Christ lives in me, my hope of glory. I am my Father's, and I bear His glorious name.  That is my glory.

So when I think of the glory of the cross, it is what happened there that makes it glorious...weighty...powerful because of how it changed everything for eternity.  It was not glorious for the blood, the beating, the derision, and the death.  It was glorious because of the import of it....the result of it.  His ignominy gave me my dignity. He paid a heavy price for my glory.

"What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God and crowned him with glory and majesty. You have made him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put everything under his feet." Psalm 8.  Feeling glorious today?  When you walk into a room will it light up with your brilliance?  Maybe not, but you are a glorious and majestic creation.  God's highest creation.  You have eminence on this earth.  Your name means something because His does.  Like the bigwigs who get a table in the swankiest restaurants because their names are so well known.  That's the kind of eminence we have as His children, only it's not just at the local upscale steakhouse.  It is over creation! 

And we can speak in the name of Jesus.  Remember that in the end "at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, of things on and under the earth,  and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father." Ephesians.  His name is our glory, too.  It is what gives dignity and weight to what we pray.  And if we get "glory" from what the Holy Spirit might do through us, that is His glory on us.  That must be what David meant. "You are my glory..."  the only reason I have any.  You share Your's with me.  When my God wins, I win, and that makes me look glorious.

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