This psalm of David was written to be accompanied by flutes. I tried to hear them as I read it. Doesn't really sound like a "flute" song to me. The prayer vascillates between adoration for God and hatred for the enemy. But the flute sound makes sense when you think about getting up early in the morning to pray. Hear the birds. See the sunrise. Talk to your God.
Give ear to my words, Oh Lord; consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to You do I pray. O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice (or prayer) for you and watch. Psalm 5:1-3
Ever just groaned before the Lord. Don't really know how to pray because things have gotten beyond what you can even ask God for? Sometimes prayer is groaning, aching, desperate, vulnerable. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not really know what we should pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8: 26) I am comforted by the knowledge of the Holy Spirit's crying out for me. How can the Spirit do this? Jesus tells Him what to pray.
"The Spirit of truth will bring glory to Me because He will take what I have to say and tell it to you." Jesus said this to his disciples (John 16) right before He died on the cross. As words of comfort. The promise was/is that the Holy Spirit will live in us and hear from Jesus on our behalf. Jesus tells the Holy Spirit what to tell us. Jesus speaks directly to us as He did with His disciples. Think about that. Really. Stop reading and think about that. You are groaning before the Lord. You have no words, just a heart that is so overwhelmed you don't know what to do. You are up early, with the birds, on your face before God with a writhing spirit and a broken heart. Jesus sees you there. He knows your circumstances and your deepest yearnings. He knows how to verbalize them because He IS the Word. He says: "Spirit, pray this way for Kay today. Say these exact words over her." And the Father hears. Did you know you were that connected to the holy? Your very soul is open to the Godhead - the only real power from all eternity.
David (hear the flutes in the background) then determines to "watch" what will happen. See what His God will do. His burden is lightened because David now expects God to answer him. Don't get up from prayer before you have understood this. Until the blanket of misery has been lifted from your shoulders and you can say: "Now I just have to wait and see what He has in mind." That is faith. Move forward with flutes in the background on the wave of the day and trust that Your God knows how to answer your groanings.
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