Laughing at God is NOT a good idea. Choose to ignore Him. Choose to doubt His existence. But please don't laugh. That is offensive to Him. You are telling Him and the world that He is not as bright as you are. He does not know as much as you do. With your head held high, you mock your Creator, telling Him He did not create you. What if He did? Oh, mocker, make sure you KNOW He did not before you laugh.
Those who make fun of You (the boastful) cannot stand before Your eyes. Psalm 5:4. The Hebrew word used for boast/make fun is halal and literally means to make a show, to rave, to be clamourously foolish. Have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of others? (I have.....) You say or do something and then it dawns on you that everyone was laughing at you instead of with you. Looking for the nearest hole to crawl into until the cloud of shame passes over? I do not want God to look at me that way!
Be careful about making a show of your agnostism. I say agnoticism because there is really no such thing as atheism. You CANNOT know that there is no God. That would make you God, as you would have to know everything to rule out His existence. Just say you do not believe in Him, if He does exist. It is dangerous to dance around, put up billboards, and make fun of the mean old man upstairs. If He does exist, and He does, that might make Him quite angry. If you have become clamourously foolish in your heady ridicule of the death of Christ and the sovereignty of God, you will never stand before Him. He will turn His eyes away from you. Not in the end of days when judgment comes, nor now when there comes the time when you need to call out to Him...and there will. There will always be the time when you need Him, even if you don't want Him in this moment.
You know deep down, everyone does, that there is a God to Whom we are accountable. It is written in your DNA. It is inherent with each heartbeat. "I will put my teachings in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people. People will no longer have to teach their neighbors and relatives to know the Lord, because ALL people will know Me, from the least to the greatest" says the Lord. (Jeremiah 31) So, something makes people turn from what they know in their hearts to laugh at the holy. Sunday School? Parents who did not live up to what they believed? Heartache? Brokenness? Religious righteousness that turns the stomach even of our God? I get that. That is why I must look at God and to God. Not anywhere else. Be clamourous about the right hypocrisy....but do not laugh at God. He has been misrepresented perhaps. But that does not change Him. Don't make fun of Someone you don't even know.
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