Wednesday, October 10, 2012

PSALM 60 - Precious To The Lord

God has spoken in His sanctuary:  "I will triumph!"  Verse 6

'Nuf said?

This morning I read about a group of Nigerian college students who were murdered for their faith.  Killed execution style as they were taken in late-night raids from their dorms.   All I could think was, "Oh, Jesus."  My stomach knotted.  The faith of these young Christians in a predominantly Muslim country cost them everything.  Well, everything here.  "To die is gain."  I must remember that.  "Precious to the Lord is the death of His saints."  They are home at this very moment, looking at His face.  Complete and completely happy.  The sting of death gone for them.  But what of those who shot them? 

Jesus was taken, too.  In the middle of the night.  Singled out by the religious leaders as the rabble rouser and charlatan who was deserving of death.  The purity of His life denied.  Called a son of the devil.  Defiling Himself by eating with sinners and saving adultresses from certain death.  Accused of having miraculous powers from Satan.  The lynch mob of self-righteous souls murdered Him in broad daylight the next day.  Feeling good about it, too.  Finally got the blasphemer out of the way.

Jesus understood death in a way they couldn't possibly have imagined.  Knew the pathway from here to there and back again.  Took control.  Gave up His spirit before it was taken from Him.  Then on Sunday morning came out of the tomb, back from the realm of the dead, in a new body - more spirit than flesh.  Triumphing over the grave.

Isn't that really the final victory for us who know Christ?  The last thing Satan can rob us of is this mortal flesh that becomes dust again anyway?  We are alive forever.  For our Father our deaths are our homegoing.  A time to celebrate in the heavenlies our arrival at the place prepared for us.  The joyful reunion of our spirits with His.  Our new bodies.  A new agenda.  Beauty beyond fathoming here.  Fruits in abundance.  A mighty river teeming with life.  Thundering praise and echoing orchestras of exaltation around the throne of God Almighty.  The touch of Jesus finally on all that was broken here.  Knowing Him as He has known us.  Hearing Him call our names.  Thanking Jesus for His sacrifice.   Becoming a forever person.  No more death.  No more tears.  No more abandonment, loss or fear.  No more enemy.  He is forever vanquished.  Can't touch us then.  We will have ultimate triumph!

I am going to take God at His word today.  He will triumph on earth and in heaven over everything that touches me.  For the Nigerian college students, that victory is now eternal.  For me today, it may be more carnal.  That I know of, there are no religious fanatics awaiting me at the office this morning with the intent of killing me. But the enemy of my soul lurks around every corner desiring to destroying any small or signficant progress I am intent on making.  To him I say:  "You lost!  You were stripped of all your power over me at the cross of Christ!"  

To my soul I say:  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world -- our faith!  Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?   I John 4


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