Wednesday, October 31, 2012

PSALM 63 - Tryptophan

My soul shall be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips when I remember You upon my bed and meditate on You in the watches of the night.  For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I will sing for joy.   (Vs. 5-7)

I have been thinking about what I will make for Thanksgiving side dishes....turkey a given.  A friend of mine was telling me about her upcoming trip to her in-laws, who are vegans.  Tofu turkey was not an appealing thought to her and her husband.  They were going to make a turkey for themselves and take it north in a cooler so they could enjoy all the gooey richness of basted fowl and juice-infused dressing.  I wonder if vegans have the joys of tryptophan.  Piled on top of the bird in our tummies is gravy, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie.  I always make a vegetable, but that is incidental to the meal.  Oh, and fresh crescent rolls have to land somewhere atop the feast.

After the Thanksgiving meal we all hold our stomachs, which by then are grossly protruding, as we say with disgust:  "I ate way too much!"  Then we lie on couches and watch a movie (or football, much to my chagrin).  Full.  Satisfied....maybe overly.  (This is not to say that a couple of hours later there aren't some of us who make a little turkey sandwich with a crescent roll and cold dressing.)  A feast day to celebrate just how thankful we are for all we have.  Especially here in America.

God satisfies my soul that way.  Makes me really full.  The longer I know Him, and the more I know about Him, the more complete in my God I feel.  Needing nothing more to fill the hollows of my soul.  Like love here on earth does from time to time.  All kinds of love:  family, friends and lovers.  Each has a way of fortifying us for life.  Ah, but life is temporal.  And all earthly things are made to come and go.  No other person can be everything to us...or shouldn't. 

I heard some disturbing news last night right before I went to bed.  Stacked on top of that was news from earlier in the day that made my heart hurt.  Though I fell asleep, the slumber didn't last.  Awake at midnight, I tossed and turned as I tried to work through the predicament in my mind.  There are times, I decided once again, that only God can change circumstances and hearts.  Instead of pondering the problem I must consider the solution.  And remember.  Remember Who is in control.  Though I would fix the issues for my friends if I could, it would only be a temporary solution because I am not God.  I have seen my Father heal the sick, forgive the sinner, restore broken marriages and save the most stubborn of skeptics.  "I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.  Is there anything too hard for Me?" He asks. (Jeremiah 32)  Of course, the answer is absolutely not.

I am challenged to remember how fat my Savior has made my soul.  It is to Him I run for refuge and He covers me with His wings.  It is from under the shadow of that protection...that I sing with all my might.  Sated with His love and brave because I am a chick with a very big Father, I tweet to the enemy his defeat.  When pressed by the vicissitudes of life here on earth, lying awake searching for solutions, my only peace comes in knowing my God has always come through for me in the past.  Never failed me.  Ever.  In any way.  Faith appears, shield up, and fights against the odds, reminding me that all things are possible for those who believe.  Assuring me of all God has done and will do. Deep breaths in the night watch.  The tryptophan of God's richness lulls me back to sleep.


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