Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Psalm 33 - It Isn't Santa Who's Watching What You Do

The Lord looks down from heaven. He sees all the children of men. From where He sits enthroned He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth - He Who fashions the hearts of them all - and observes their deeds. (vs 13-15) Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him and those who hope in His steadfast love, that He may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. (vs 18-19) Yesterday I was not proud of myself. In my prayer time that morning the Lord gently reminded me that before I started our conversation, I had an issue I needed to repent of. The sorry thing is, I didn't realize I had done anything wrong until He called my attention to it. If I told you what I had done you might actually laugh that I took it to heart. A common fib, really, that helped a client get the service on a property that needed to be done right away. I was even rewarded with comments about how smart I was to do it that way. So, add pride to lying and I was quite the sinner on Monday! Shame at first. Lying is for first graders who don't know better. So, I sat on the back porch in the sunshine wishing for a perfection I don't possess and crying tears of remorse....mostly over the fact that I did not even recognize it as sin until my Father called me on it! Put His finger on my pulse to check my heart toward Him. God is busy, you say, and unconcerned about Kay's little white lies. But apparently, you would be wrong. He is very concerned about how my heart affects my deeds! My heart is His throne and He should be comfortable sitting upon it as He observes my action. He forgave me yesterday! I know this. I love Him and He loves me, but I am forgiven because of His never-wavering immutability. I confess that it was hard to shake off the guilt and go on with my prayers, but that would have been counter-productive because the sin that separated us until I confessed was gone and other things were pressing on my Father and me. His eyes are looking at me. At my face. At my heart. At my motives. It delights Him to observe my heart when I revere His holiness. It brings joy to Him that I understand He loves me so much as a bloodwashed child of His who trusts in His great, unfathomable benevolence and mercy! He is happy that I "get" what He has provided for me. So, yes, He was looking at me when I blew it the other day. I don't want Him to let me get away with things that dishonor Him. I need a reprimand sometimes and wouldn't get one if He didn't care about my heart toward Him. I want to be more intentional about my behavior in light of what is registering on my Father's face when He watches me. He Who made my heart is interested in what I am doing with it.

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